The association of ADHD and Attachment Disorder with Hooliganism - Part II

The association of ADHD and Attachment Disorder with Hooliganism  -  Part II
Photo by clem-onojeghuo-unsplash

In front of the judge, the father of the accused for the murder of the 21-year-old young lady said:

"My son was hyperactive, he couldn't concentrate during the lessons, his condition was getting worse, but we hadn't figured it out; we thought he was just vigorous, no teacher had never informed us. Later at the age of 14 he used drugs, began to have obsessive thoughts and was influenced by his friends, whatever they told him he did."

If you have read part I of the article "The Association of ADHD and Attachment Disorder with Hooliganism" you may have taken an idea of the profile of the average hooligan (on a global scale).

In the second part, let's refer to some specific components of the hooligan’s profile, highlighting that the evaluation and acknowledgement of a problem is the first (great) step for its solution.

Ø Problematic family background

The father is mostly indirectly or directly absent or a substances user, or in trouble because of criminal activities and in direct conflict with the mother.

The mother frequently presents with various psychological issues (regardless of her social status) and significant difficulties in communicating with the father and her child.

Ø Learning difficulties. Poor performance at school. Minimum expectations for academic development.

Ø Possible undiagnosed Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The type of ADHD with joined hyperactivity and misbehaviour. The young man feels that no one understands him. He needs to join a group even if he is directed to take excessive risks, leading to increased adrenaline production (a hormone which reaches its pick during adolescence).

Ø He meets all the criteria to become a member of a gang or a football fan club’s “army”:

a) has low cognitive capacity to identify other’s aiming to take advantage of him.

b) has adequate muscle strength, speed, tolerance to pain and extreme temperatures to become a remarkable 'fighter'.

c) has attachment issues that slowly shape him to a person with anger, low self-esteem, opposed to any kind of authority, and emotionally bonded to something he considers as 'sacred'.

p.s. In the memory of the 19-year-old young man Alkis Kampanos, who was recently murdered by a group of other youngsters (all born from 1997 to 2002) under the pretext of their fan preference.


What you go and do, you Go and give a boy a gun?

Now there ain't no place to run to, Ain't no place to run

When he holds it in his hand, He feels Mighty, He feels strong

Now there ain't no place to run to, Ain't no place to run

One day he may come back, Repay us for what we've done

Then where you Gonna run to, Where you gonna run

But one fine day, All our problems will be solved,

'Cause Bang Bang Bang, We shoot him down

Give him drugs and give him candy, Anything

Oh to make him think he's happy

So he won't ever come for us, He won't ever come

But if he does

And if there's no one else around

Bang Bang Bang, We shoot him down

If he Preys only on his Neighbours, Brothers, Sisters and Friends

We'll consider it a favour, We'll consider justice done

But if he comes for you and me, And we can place a gun in his hand

Bang Bang Bang, We Shoot him down

What you go and do, Go and give a boy a gun

Now there ain't no place to run to, Ain't no place to run

Now we'll all be at his mercy, If he decides to hunt us down

'Cause there ain't no place to run to, Ain't no place to run

He wants the chances that you took from him, Oh and nothing that you own

Then they'll be no place to run to, They'll be no place to run

And if he finds himself to be, A reflection of us all

Bang Bang Bang, He shoot us down

Before you can raise your eyes to read

The writing on the wall

Bang Bang Bang, He shoot you down

Before you can Bridge the Gulf between

And Embrace him in your arms

Bang Bang Bang, He shoot you down